Thursday 9 January 2014

What Next.....

What next...?

Well I think the wedding took a back seat for a while, as I wasn't sure what needed doing. But I did go on a beltin' family trip to Florida in March.

Take a break! don't let wedding planning rule your life.

Oh maybe, just maybe you might want to set a budget.
Everyone says set a budget and stick to it.
..... I didn't. Mainly as I had massive help from my parents, and well they basically said if you like it, get it :), not spoilt much.
But actually all in all, we did and got everything at bargain prices. You may not think so but we didn't spend over the odds for anything, so just look out for bargains and buy what you like when you see it :)
Don't think oh I wanted that, and then go back and it's gone.
We did that Florida, there was a christmas decoration which I loved. But we didn't buy it when we saw it. My parents went back into the shop on the last day, and they had none left!! :( so I got something else. So buy it when you see it! don't wait.

But..... my mum's friend was going on holiday to florida too, and she found the decoration and brought it back for us, I didn't know this until the morning of the wedding when I opened my box of goodies off my family and it was in there :D

my disney ring decoration 

Oh I am now collecting a decoration every year for our wedding anniversary, nice tradition to have, and the present buying will be easy for the hubby on our anniversary. - Just buy a decoration. lol

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