Monday 20 January 2014


At the very beginning of my wedding phase, I didn't want to spend a lot, I wanted a nice wedding, with people who I want there. I didn't want extravagance. I didn't even want a photographer :s

Well that was a silly thought. Once you start planning a wedding, you realise you do want things, and you do need things.
And one thing you really do need is a good photographer!!

I didn't want one, as I just thought, it will be fine, everyone will have camera's I will just get photo's from everyone. Or I was going to get some cameras that you can hire out, and then get the photos from them just.

But the thought occurred to me...

I have been part of a wedding group on facebook, for a little while now, and I had a photographer friend on there. The group has been chatting away on facebook for three years I think now. So I casually emailed her, to see if she had my date free and if she would possibly want to do my wedding photography!
She had my date free, and she would love to do my photography - RESULT!!

It wasn't until after the wedding day that I was so glad I had booked a professional photographer.
The day went by so fast, that I felt I missed everything!!
But my photographer captured everything, everything and more.
She captured our emotions as I walked down the aisle with my dad, she captured the fun of the wedding during the ceremony, the meal and also Disco.
And she captured my surprise face, as I saw my surprise reindeer for the first time.

She captured all the moments I thought I would forget, or even didn't remember I had.

A photographer is a vital part of your day! I speak from experience, so please don't scrimp on one, or get your friend of a friend who has a posh camera to do your wedding day.
You have 1 wedding day (or maybe more) This is the one and only time to capture this day, you need a professional, or you will regret it.

I would highly recommend Paula, from Ollievision Photography.
She is based in Leeds.
Ollievision Facebook Page

started blubbering after seeing my mum in tears, I was fine before that :)

A loving noggin' rub from the hubby to be 

A little tearful. 

Surprise Reindeer

Capturing the bubble blowing. Which I never got to work, I think I had a dud bottle.


  1. Thanks for your kind comments! I had a lovely day!
    It's amazing how many dud bottles of bubbles there are at weddings!

  2. I know Paula too and she's a great photographer. It makes such a difference when you hire a professional. Unfortunately in the current times where couples are often on a budget, a photographer is where they often compromise on only to regret it after the event.

  3. Stunning photos...wise decision xx
