Sunday 12 January 2014

The Cake!

The cake was a challenge.

I decided early on I didn't want a 'normal' 3 tiered wedding cake.
So I set up a pinterest board and this helped me with cakes 'sort of'

This was the first cake a fell in love with, but we just didn't think it was 'wow' enough to get a cake maker to make it. If you are going to pay a cake maker, at least set them a challenge lol.

Hopefully that link will have taken you to a stack of presents.

Then because that wasn't right. I kept looking,
pinterest board this is all the inspiration for the cakes.
From bird cakes, to trees, baubles and disney. I think I looked at 100's of cakes, but it still wasn't right.
I even designed my own at one point, and was going to get that made up, which was going to be a story board cake of me and David. But no it wasn't right

But it was getting rather late in the day to be picky, as November was fast approaching, and even though I had been paying off the cake since early in the year, she really did need a design from me. And then I saw it! I saw what I wanted as my cake.

Presents stacked in a lovely way, in all the same coloured paper. I showed Erica of Creative Icing in Selby, and she said wow. She said she would give it a good go. Which I was so pleased with.

I went in the shop with David and my little brother Jack
On the Saturday 21st December to see it and pay the final payment.
WOW!! was all 3 of us could say. Even Jack who isn't easily impressed, hahaha
The cake was stunning and so much better than I could have imagined.

our wedding cake
The shop owner had said it had caused a lot of head turning, and people were taking photo's of it when they came into the shop.

It was a stunner, and it was worth all the time spent trying to find it, and the money :)
The detailing was amazing

It also tasted delicious too, I have never had such a soft sponge, and full of flavour.
We had vanilla sponge and fruit cake.
It was a shame to put the knife into it :(

Choosing the right cake maker is very important, make sure they know what they are doing, I see a lot of cakes that turn up and have sunk, as the bottom layer is supported enough. I chose creative icing, as I could go and see the cakes in their own shop, and also they have been in Selby for many years, so thats always a bonus if they have been around a while and still going strong. Oh and they made the wedding cake for Tyrone (off Coronation Street) and his wife (off wild at heart)
Not sure on their real names, but hey if they are good enough for them, they are more than good enough for me :D

How did you decide on your cake? are you sticking with tradition or swaying away?
I'd love to see your cake pics if you can post on here? (not sure if you can)

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