Friday 17 January 2014


Well shoes in the loosest terms.
I didn't have shoes! neither did the groom or best man.

We had...
Timberland boots! :)
"oh my god why would you want those on your wedding day" I hear you saying.

Well me and David are known for our timberland wearing, we wear timberland boots all the time, We have a number of pairs between us. I remember my first pair in college. A lovely pink pair, then I got the normal orange coloured, then more pink, and more orange. Infact we have a nice collection, so I thought it was only right to have timberlands, especially seeing as my dress touched the floor anyway, so I couldn't wear heals, not even kitten ones. And I aren't a pump kind of girl.
So the hunt began...

I saw mine on eBay quite early on, a lovely white pair of knee high boots, with a fur trim. <3 LOVE!
But the laces weren't very nice, so I bought some ivory velvet ribbon and threaded them on my boots. PERFECT winter wedding snow boots. On the plus side my feet were comfy ALL day.

I couldn't actually put my boots on my self, so Emma my bridesmaid and sister came in very useful. Thanks Emma, and Phoebe her friend, she did my other boot.

 They might have not been the 'normal' shoes for a wedding, but they were 'my' shoes for our wedding. We don't do 'normal'

David, got some timberland boots too, but not the big clumpy ones, they were slightly posh deep red ones, which I thought looked ok, but the cheeky man in the suit hire shop said 'he isn't sure on the choice of footware' well good job it isn't your wedding is it.
And my little brother the best man had black timberlands on too. So we were all matching.

Here's my smart men, lol Jacks ruche was a bit skew wiff, but then the suit hire shop, gave us a adults, so it was miles too big anyway. That shop gave me more to panic about than anything else during the wedding planning.
Jacks suit was way too small, then it was way to big, then it was too small again. In the end we gave up. But he scrubs up nicely, and the timberlands. We all love anyway, and to be honest that's all that matters.

These shoes proved a little tricky, as we were looking for sparkly, glittery ivory ones, or maybe a nude sparkle, but we had no luck finding any, and not any suitable for my 12 year old bridesmaid, we needed similar shoes for all 3 bridesmaids, and we only found gold or silver sparkle shoes.
Then we thought Lace, the dresses were lace, so why not an ivory lace!
Now the hunt started, ebay, debenhams, bhs. My mum went all over York to find some shoes for us, no luck.
So my mum, and 2 sisters popped over to Manchester for a spot of shoe shopping, they had a set train to catch, so we had a time limit.
However we found the shoes we wanted in the first hour. LOL. They had 6 hours left to kill in Manchester.
Easy you say... Well not for shopping haters -  I think their dread set in.
However we ended up running out of time, as there is more to see in Manchester than they first thought, plus an hour or two in Hard Rock Cafe helped - love that place. Oh and NEXT haha the biggest one my mum has seen, try getting her out of there.

Any way shoes!!
We found the older bridesmaids shoes in Debenhams :) excellent, ivory lace peep toe, just what my sister wanted. Then into BHS for some kitten healed ivory lace shoes which you tied with ribbon. Perfect just what Emma (the little bridesmaid) wanted.
Well that was just too easy in the end.

This is the best photo of the shoes, should maybe get some close up shots.

Oh and my mums shoes were lace too, black lace :) but they weren't always going to be, she had some very very high gold shoes, which no one could walk in. So she opted for these lovely ones. They all seemed to match, and my mums dress was lace too, and red. Perfect

1 comment:

  1. Your Wedding boots are fantastic, its good to be a bit different being normal is boring!!!!!
