Wednesday 8 January 2014

The Dress!!

Ok Since I got engaged, I always thought I wanted a fish tail dress with lace. OR a red dress as it was an xmas wedding.

So in Feb I thought it would be a good time to go try on some dresses...

I arranged an appointment at a shop in Doncaster - Wedding belles of Doncaster at Armthorpe, which was recommended to me by my mums hair dresser - who was also our hair dresser on the day of the wedding.

Any way...

I walked in and all the downstairs were bridesmaids and mother of the bride dresses, and a lady in the shop was steaming a dress that had just come in, it was white, huge and sparkly. Not what I was looking for at all. But I asked if I could take that upstairs (where the bridal gowns were) to try it on.

After trying on a red dress and dismissing that straight away as it looked terrible on. I tried the big white sparkly dress on and I LOVED it!! Totally fell in love, didn't want to take it off.
But I did, I tried on a few other styles just to make sure, but they were just 'wedding dresses' they weren't quite right.

So yes that was easy.
The first wedding shop and the first dress I see and it's mine :)

Simples. xx

And no, I didn't have any doubts, or think - 'maybe a should have looked at other shops, tried more dresses on'
I tried more dresses on and got bored :)
I knew I had the right dress.


  1. I did exactly the same tried a couple to make sure but I suppose it like the husband to be...when you know you know x
