Thursday 23 January 2014

Wedding Day (Part 1) The day in the eyes of a bride

The alarm went off at stupid o'clock on Monday 23rd December 2013!!
(A month ago)
"I am getting married today, woop woop" - well I think that's what I said, after I finished dancing to the alarm in my bed.

I didn't have the best night sleep mind, as us girls stayed in the hotel the night before the wedding (Sunday night), I think I drank my body weight in champagne - not good thing to do the night before your wedding I should add. But it was all fun :) and I had a great night.
night before 

Anyway I was in a room with my mum, and my sisters Katie and Emma, Well my mum was snoring like a good one, and Emma - well she seems to get possessed in her sleep, she talks, she sits up and then slams her body forward so her head is on her knees - which I'd like to say she can't actually do when she's awake. Mad crazy girl. So there were noises keeping me up alllll night. I don't think Katie got any sleep either, as when I do sleep I snore! I snore as though I am taking the whole room in with me Lol.

too early for poor Emms

So not so fresh eyed in the morning.
Had to get up early to go have breakfast as our hair dresser was coming at 8 in the morning, to make a start on our hair.

Excited selfie :D

While waiting for people to get up and dressed I opened my present from Dae :) Which was very thoughtful. He got me
my something old - my charm bracelet he bought me for my 25th birthday
my something new - 2 new charms, a snowflake and '2013'
my something borrowed - his timberland tag off his new boots, which I put on my boot
and something blue - the little gems on the snowflake charm were blue! Love it
He also bought me a snowflake necklace, with the letter 'K' on a charm. (Not sure if the K was for Kara or Kelly, but it was lovely. Love my gifts!!)
I bought him an engraved bottle of Gentleman Jack - a Jack Daniel's whiskey. He's a big whisky fan - Such an old man. lol

I also got presents from my mum, from all the family i'm guessing??
But in my box of goodies, I got
2 christmas robins
my garter
a Belleek horse shoe
My decorations all the way from Orlando, Florida, (this one is Mickey and Minnie in wedding attire sat in a large diamond ring) oh and a 'just married' tree decoration too.
Happy Wedding Day to me :D

So half past 7 we went down for breakfast, with mum mother in law to be, and Megan (Dae's sister and bridesmaid), then Dae's aunt and cousins from America, Debbie, Danielle and Emily.
Everyone I think had a cooked breakfast, apart from me. It was way to early to eat, so a slice of toast and a glass of orange juice was just enough. Maybe I should have more, but I don't eat breakfast usually and if I do its after 9.

So when we finished breakfast the hair dresser came, so up we went to start this getting ready malarky :)
I was getting my hair done last, so I went for a nice hot soak.
I was quite excited, but the day so far just seemed surreal, it was an odd feeling. As though it was happening, just wasn't sure it was happening for me.
I wasn't nervous in the slightest and think I might have been way too calm.
My hairdresser said I was the most relaxed and chilled out bride she had ever seen. I just wasn't sure what I was meant to be worried about, or fretting over. Everything was done, and if it wasn't, it didn't matter.
Katie getting her hair done

Megan has had her hair done

Emms getting her hair done

Me having rollers put in

Sue (mum) getting her hair done

We ate chocolates, and had pringles. None of us actually wanted the bucks fizz or champagne that we brought. Probably because we had drunk too much the night before. OOOps
It was a very chilled relaxing morning, that actually seemed to go on forever, and at about lunch time I was ready for my bed. Hahaha.

While us girls were getting ready at the hotel.
The blokes -
Dae, - my fella
Jack (Best man and my little brother)
Dave - my dad
Ben and Gary - My older brothers
Terry and Terry Jnr - Dae's american uncle and cousin
and Mike - daes other cousin
Went to a clay pigeon shoot. Organised by my dad. To calm the boys down and make them not think about the speeches.
They went to a place in Cowick, East Cowick I think for a lesson on shooting and then they went clay pigeon shooting, had bacon sandwiches and hot drinks.
Easy for some!!
But I think they all had a good time and enjoyed themselves.
Before having to get ready to meet us at the hotel for the wedding at 2 p.m.

Ok I think it is time to get ready, we needed to do our make up, and get dressed. The bridesmaids and Jack got dressed in plenty of time (Why didn't I think to do this)

A spray of 1D perfume from my little sister
pretty bridesmaids with their flowers

Our bridal party <3

Everyone was ready, except me!!

But I was waiting for the registrar to come and see me about my things, as I wasn't going downstairs in my dress, but they never actually came up, so my mum went on a mission to sort things out.

While I was getting into my dress, they eventually came up, but everyone had to leave the room while I spoke to them. Holding my ever so heavy dress up as we hadn't had time to put it on properly.
Infat I couldn't put it on at all at first. I thought oh my god no! I haven't lost enough weight to wear it. As when I went for my second fitting I was a little too large to zip it up. So went on a diet, but hadn't bothered trying it on until the morning of the wedding. I just lived in hope.
But struggling to get it on, but I just hadn't undone the zip, or the tie, or anything else for that matter, and I needed my hairdresser to help me into the dress, as my mum had gone downstairs and I don't think my bridesmaids wanted to see my half naked. lol I don't blame them.
Once I had it on and zipped up. I was very very happy.
But then realised I couldn't put my boots on. This is where my little sister came in handy. She and her friend phoebe put my boots on for me, while Paula and Katie tied up by dress.
I had done nothing for hours and hours, and then the last 10 - 15 mins was the most hectic ever!
Infact in the space of the last half hour, I was getting my hair finished, had to get in my dress, put boots on, the photographer came, my dad came up, the registrar needed a word. It was all very rushed and crazy after doing nothing for 6 hours.

everyone waiting while I spoke to the registrars

finishing touches

we're done. We are ready to roll

Here comes the bride...

This is it, what we have been planning for a year

Ready to go in

ARGH I am so excited by this point...

We are all about to go in. Me and my dad first, bridesmaids following.
"Lets do this shizz...:

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