Tuesday 4 February 2014

Wedding Day (Part 3) in the eyes of a bride - SURPRISE

The ceremony has finished...
Walked out of the room, grabbed a lovely glass of bucks fizz, then what??
What do we do now??

"Make your way outside"....
me - "what its cold, wet and windy, it's blowing a gale and you want us to go outside for photo's are you totally crazy" - god ok lets do this shizz. (what about my hair? lol such a girly thought)

"WOAH!! NO WAY!!" - I said while running back in to put my glass of bucks fizz down.
"I have reindeer!! no way do I have reindeer!"
Best wedding present ever!! 

"Can I get in? am I allowed in" - "yer I am :) "

My good ol' dad went and got me my wedding coat - which my mum also bought as a surprise, I wasn't going to have a coat, as I really didn't think I'd be going outside. However my mum knew otherwise. My photographer was also in on the secret of reindeer and that I needed a coat - infact I think everyone who came to the wedding knew about the reindeer other than me and Dae.

We then went on a ride around the car park :) only place with concrete.
Now that was a total surprise, I wanted reindeer and looked into having reindeer at the wedding. But I couldn't afford it myself, and daren't ask the parents for any thing else. So gave up on the idea. Until I saw I could hire a sleigh on it's own, so I could have pictures in a sleigh. I put this to my mum and her words were "it would look very silly and tacky to have a sleigh on it's own without reindeer...You can get it if you want but I don't personally see the point"
:( - sad face, was a bit gutted that maybe she was right.
I must point out here that she only said that because she had already booked me the reindeer and sleigh, she wasn't just being horrible. Haha
My mother in law was having heart attacks daily as I kept talking about the sleigh and booking it any way. She knew my mum had booked the reindeer and she had to try and talk me out of it too.

Well they succeeded, which was best all round :)
Poor guys having to keep that secret from me.

my mother in red - the woman behind it all.
The poor blokes here were absolutely freezing, hahaha I didn't realise they were so cold. I had a big fluffy coat on and really didn't feel the cold at all - still in my bubble. None of this feels real.

I think my mum missed most of the reindeer ride as she had to run up to collect the cheque book, we were so disorganised when the time of the wedding arrived, that everything was in the room on the top floor of the hotel - the coats, cheque book, money, a cd I was meant to give to the hotel people, and our camera, oh and the list I was meant to give the photographer, Paula so she knew which groups of people she needed for the group shots. I didn't even know where the sheet could be, so I stepped in and I was in charge of making sure we got the group shots I wanted. I think I got everyone. I felt as though it was a bit mad and hectic, even now thinking about it. I felt so rushed and felt as though time was just running away!

But after the group shots I thought we should go mingle and make sure everyone was ok before the wedding breakfast. I think I missed huge amounts of people out with my mingling, but what can you do.

Infact other than when we were having photo's taken, I didn't see my fella until the meal came.

When the time came to go in for the meal, that's when I think my bubble popped. I felt faint, sick and really light headed. Sat down for a bit until we were called to go in.

(just a few of my favourite pics)

My family :) 

Cousins, missing Gary though my other brother :(

My mum's side of the family who I have never met until this day xx

Hubby's Family.

Organisation is Key! and I don't think I was very organised. But it went as smoothly as it could, and that I am happy with :)

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