Thursday 6 February 2014

Wedding day (Part 4) in the eyes of a bride. "SPEECH"

"Please be upstanding for the Bride and Groom"

'Oh my goodness I am nervous and feel sick, and I aren't even the one who has to do a speech, what have a put my little brother through. :( - This is what was going through my mind when we were asked to go in. Those poor blokes. I could tell my dad was nervous and Dae really was, and Jack had been fretting all day, you can tell by the lack of smiles in all the photo's until the evening do, when it was all over.
So we sat down and was told what was about to happen, - that we were going to get our food first, but no one is meant to eat until the bride and groom starts eating.... Hmmm could we be mean and not eat hahaha. No I think everyone was starving by this time. We couldn't do that to them.

Whilst the starters were being cleared away my little sister went round the room with a basket of robins for the ladies favours, and my little brother Jack went round giving the gents scratch cards. Which we thought was nicer than just having them put on the tables.
We had crackers, bubbles and trivia cards on the tables as well as sweets, so hopefully everyone was occupied enough and could chat and answer the trivia questions.
For our menu we had.
Melon or mushroom soup to start with.
Turkey dinner or lamb dinner for mains
creme brulee or cheesecake for pudding.
Obviously it was written on the menu in a nicer way, but this is the gist of it.
I don't think I touched any of it. Was really not hungry and felt too sick for my little brother and hubby. I knew my dad would have been ok about his speech, he has done a few. But these poor guys. I really wish I would have asked if they could have done the speeches before the meal, that way we could all enjoy it more, as they wouldn't be nervous any more and would probably have been hungry.
It all got a bit too much and I just started crying and couldn't stop. I felt so guilty for making Jack do a speech and putting him through it all.
after the meal we cut the cake and I was still in tears with a red blotchy face - hence the need for black and white photo's
Then speech time - oh my, my heart sank, so I hate to think how the boys were feeling. This is the worst thing about the wedding. Why have speeches anyway! Get rid.
My dad did a belting speech, which I knew he would.

Then it was Dae's turn - he was ubber nervous, you could tell in his speaking, he was shaky. He did very well though, even though when he sat down he said he had missed so much off and apologised.

Then it was Jacks turn...
I hope one of these works. If you can't see very well, just turn the sound up and listen :)
His speech was brilliant and when he sat down he said "can I do that again"
There was nothing to worry about, I/We were all fretting for nothing. Time to enjoy the wedding again now!

A standing ovation for our Wacko
Oh and by now, my lovely dress was getting very uncomfortable, they don't tell you this when you find the dress of your dreams. It was killing my back, it was killing my hips and waist. I also had to keep pulling it up or i'd have shown the guests my full frontal. Hahaha and there was no need for that. Looking back, maybe I should have had it retied. Just a little note with wedding dresses, however I didn't want to take it off. I loved it!! no pain, no gain.
(I hope this video works and you all love it as much I we did!, best man speech ever!!)

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