Thursday 20 March 2014

Wedding day (Part 5) in the eyes of a bride. The Evening Reception

Sorry about the delay in the next instalment of my blog, been super busy with orders.

Ok after the meal and the cake cutting. The DJ set up, the sweet table was ready and we were ready to party!!!

our sweet table, which we did by ourselves, bought the table, jars and sweets :)
Don't you just love the huge candy canes 

Tables laid out and ready for our evening guests.

Ok it was time for the first dance!!
The song started playing.... "This isn't our song" I said to Dae.
He said no, it;s not. I left it around a minute to see if he got a different version. LOL.
But I thought wait no, this can't happen. I have to say something.
So off I toddled to the DJ and politely just said this isn't our song. I then saw the right song written on a piece of paper next to him. So pointed to it and said 'THIS is our song' I think he was mortified and apologised alot.
So first dance take 2

Escuse me you're playing the wrong song!

Oh well, these things happen don't they? Our first dance song was R-Kelly - I believe I can fly. - why did we have this? because it was the first dance we ever danced to together, infact our only dance. This was back when we were 15 or 16 at a friends 18th Birthday Party. So thought it would be good to have it again.

After the dance, My mum had organised a Santa Clause :) He gave the kids of the guests some toys, and I think they enjoyed them. The girls got some smellies I think and a pair of little slippers for their aching feet. Hahaha
But the boys got mini nerf guns :) Fab idea and it kept them entertained for hours, even if they did find it funny shooting the bride. I got my own back though fear not, and shot them all!!

We also had a sing song and sang rudolf the red nose reindeer :) What a great end to a christmas wedding. x

I even busted some moves :)

No party would be a party without Robyn Thicke - blurred lines. I think my and my sis got all the women doing our dance moves :)

It wasn't over yet! The kids also got some glasses in their gifts, so me and my sister took it upon out selves to photo everyone with them on. And yes we got everyone!! Here are a few.

Debbie and Jane (in the blue is my mother in law)

My Mum and Dad, aka Sue and Dave

The hubby and his cousin Terry 

My grandma on the right and Pat her sister in law (I think)

Emily and Craig 

Dae's cousin Mike on the left and Rudy

Me and my sis Kate.

I managed to steal Dae away for a moment to sit in the fireplace :)
That was our wedding :)
Oh we did have an evening buffet too, which I didn't touch, I just ate sweets.

Thank you to everyone who came to our wedding and made it what it was.
Thanks to my mum for being a super wedding organiser, none of this would have been as good as it was if you hadn't helped and told me what was crap and what was ok to keep lol.
Thanks to Paula our hairdresser, we all looked grand :)
Thank you to Paula our photographer, she was running round like a mad woman, with so much equipment and camera's I am sure she was exhausted by the time she had finished. But she did a great job. -
Thanks to all our other suppliers too, you were all amazing and made our wedding as special as it was.
Flawless chair covers. -
Riggmoor reindeer -
Creative icing in selby -
Lisa's Florist in selby -

One thing I will say though, if you are having a DJ, please do go and see them and see what they are like. I was lazy and just used in the in-house DJ, which was good as it was cheaper than what I had been quoted, however I wasn't over the moon with him, as not only did he mess up our first dance, when people asked for requests he never played them. I was only told this after the day, so couldn't do anything then. But do research DJ's or even live bands :). Do your research on all suppliers! Maybe i should blog about how to find trustworthy and decent suppliers.

Any way

Thursday 6 February 2014

Wedding day (Part 4) in the eyes of a bride. "SPEECH"

"Please be upstanding for the Bride and Groom"

'Oh my goodness I am nervous and feel sick, and I aren't even the one who has to do a speech, what have a put my little brother through. :( - This is what was going through my mind when we were asked to go in. Those poor blokes. I could tell my dad was nervous and Dae really was, and Jack had been fretting all day, you can tell by the lack of smiles in all the photo's until the evening do, when it was all over.
So we sat down and was told what was about to happen, - that we were going to get our food first, but no one is meant to eat until the bride and groom starts eating.... Hmmm could we be mean and not eat hahaha. No I think everyone was starving by this time. We couldn't do that to them.

Whilst the starters were being cleared away my little sister went round the room with a basket of robins for the ladies favours, and my little brother Jack went round giving the gents scratch cards. Which we thought was nicer than just having them put on the tables.
We had crackers, bubbles and trivia cards on the tables as well as sweets, so hopefully everyone was occupied enough and could chat and answer the trivia questions.
For our menu we had.
Melon or mushroom soup to start with.
Turkey dinner or lamb dinner for mains
creme brulee or cheesecake for pudding.
Obviously it was written on the menu in a nicer way, but this is the gist of it.
I don't think I touched any of it. Was really not hungry and felt too sick for my little brother and hubby. I knew my dad would have been ok about his speech, he has done a few. But these poor guys. I really wish I would have asked if they could have done the speeches before the meal, that way we could all enjoy it more, as they wouldn't be nervous any more and would probably have been hungry.
It all got a bit too much and I just started crying and couldn't stop. I felt so guilty for making Jack do a speech and putting him through it all.
after the meal we cut the cake and I was still in tears with a red blotchy face - hence the need for black and white photo's
Then speech time - oh my, my heart sank, so I hate to think how the boys were feeling. This is the worst thing about the wedding. Why have speeches anyway! Get rid.
My dad did a belting speech, which I knew he would.

Then it was Dae's turn - he was ubber nervous, you could tell in his speaking, he was shaky. He did very well though, even though when he sat down he said he had missed so much off and apologised.

Then it was Jacks turn...
I hope one of these works. If you can't see very well, just turn the sound up and listen :)
His speech was brilliant and when he sat down he said "can I do that again"
There was nothing to worry about, I/We were all fretting for nothing. Time to enjoy the wedding again now!

A standing ovation for our Wacko
Oh and by now, my lovely dress was getting very uncomfortable, they don't tell you this when you find the dress of your dreams. It was killing my back, it was killing my hips and waist. I also had to keep pulling it up or i'd have shown the guests my full frontal. Hahaha and there was no need for that. Looking back, maybe I should have had it retied. Just a little note with wedding dresses, however I didn't want to take it off. I loved it!! no pain, no gain.
(I hope this video works and you all love it as much I we did!, best man speech ever!!)

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Wedding Day (Part 3) in the eyes of a bride - SURPRISE

The ceremony has finished...
Walked out of the room, grabbed a lovely glass of bucks fizz, then what??
What do we do now??

"Make your way outside"....
me - "what its cold, wet and windy, it's blowing a gale and you want us to go outside for photo's are you totally crazy" - god ok lets do this shizz. (what about my hair? lol such a girly thought)

"WOAH!! NO WAY!!" - I said while running back in to put my glass of bucks fizz down.
"I have reindeer!! no way do I have reindeer!"
Best wedding present ever!! 

"Can I get in? am I allowed in" - "yer I am :) "

My good ol' dad went and got me my wedding coat - which my mum also bought as a surprise, I wasn't going to have a coat, as I really didn't think I'd be going outside. However my mum knew otherwise. My photographer was also in on the secret of reindeer and that I needed a coat - infact I think everyone who came to the wedding knew about the reindeer other than me and Dae.

We then went on a ride around the car park :) only place with concrete.
Now that was a total surprise, I wanted reindeer and looked into having reindeer at the wedding. But I couldn't afford it myself, and daren't ask the parents for any thing else. So gave up on the idea. Until I saw I could hire a sleigh on it's own, so I could have pictures in a sleigh. I put this to my mum and her words were "it would look very silly and tacky to have a sleigh on it's own without reindeer...You can get it if you want but I don't personally see the point"
:( - sad face, was a bit gutted that maybe she was right.
I must point out here that she only said that because she had already booked me the reindeer and sleigh, she wasn't just being horrible. Haha
My mother in law was having heart attacks daily as I kept talking about the sleigh and booking it any way. She knew my mum had booked the reindeer and she had to try and talk me out of it too.

Well they succeeded, which was best all round :)
Poor guys having to keep that secret from me.

my mother in red - the woman behind it all.
The poor blokes here were absolutely freezing, hahaha I didn't realise they were so cold. I had a big fluffy coat on and really didn't feel the cold at all - still in my bubble. None of this feels real.

I think my mum missed most of the reindeer ride as she had to run up to collect the cheque book, we were so disorganised when the time of the wedding arrived, that everything was in the room on the top floor of the hotel - the coats, cheque book, money, a cd I was meant to give to the hotel people, and our camera, oh and the list I was meant to give the photographer, Paula so she knew which groups of people she needed for the group shots. I didn't even know where the sheet could be, so I stepped in and I was in charge of making sure we got the group shots I wanted. I think I got everyone. I felt as though it was a bit mad and hectic, even now thinking about it. I felt so rushed and felt as though time was just running away!

But after the group shots I thought we should go mingle and make sure everyone was ok before the wedding breakfast. I think I missed huge amounts of people out with my mingling, but what can you do.

Infact other than when we were having photo's taken, I didn't see my fella until the meal came.

When the time came to go in for the meal, that's when I think my bubble popped. I felt faint, sick and really light headed. Sat down for a bit until we were called to go in.

(just a few of my favourite pics)

My family :) 

Cousins, missing Gary though my other brother :(

My mum's side of the family who I have never met until this day xx

Hubby's Family.

Organisation is Key! and I don't think I was very organised. But it went as smoothly as it could, and that I am happy with :)

Sunday 26 January 2014

Wedding Day (Part 2) The day in the eyes of a bride

the bride enters music

Ok I don't know how to put music on my blog, but click the link at the top, press play (after skipping the advert) come back and read my blog while the music is playing :)

Beauty and the beast instrumental from the disney wedding's soundtrack, This is what we walked down  the aisle to. I am a huge beauty and the beast fan!!!! Huge. I am surprised I didn't just have a beauty and beast themed wedding....anyway

The music began to play, the doors opened.... ARGH TOTAL EXCITEMENT. SO HAPPY, no nervous feelings, I just wanted to run down the aisle, none of this slow walking. (I didn't obviously)

But then I felt as though I went into my own little bubble which didn't pop until later on.
looking back I heard nothing, I didn't hear the music playing, I didn't hear people.
I just saw Dae in front of me with a huge grin. I also grinned. I was smiling like a cheshire cat, that was until I saw my mum, and she was crying.
This set me off, as you can see by the photo's. I didn't want to cry, I didn't expect to cry, I tried to hold it in, which made my face all scrunched up, haha which doesn't make attractive photos.

big grin

big grin

oh oh here I go


Holding it in

Tried. I even think my dad was about to go. (but shhh don't tell him,)

Reassuring hug

Dry your eyes!

Once I was there with Dae, I was fine as I couldn't see anyone behind me, and so couldn't see people crying, as that would have set me off more.

I didn't know what to do when I got to the front, was I allowed to hold his hand, could we look at each other? lol silly things that I wasn't sure of. In the end I held his hand, after fiddling with my hands for too long.

The registrars began, and the first part was saying 'I DO' I was very premature. Ooopsy. I thought she had finished, so said I do, she carried on talking, then I said it again. haha

Infact I butted in and said my part a few times. I should learn to be patient.
The next part was when it was asked if anyone knows for any reason these two should not get married.
We looked at Megan, as she threatened to say something, or cough.
Hahaha she behaved :)
"don't you dare" :)

:) she didn't

Then we had to do the rings, and I couldn't get Dae's on, so he had to push it on. Whilst I was trying to tell him "They said I had to put it on where it will go and hold it as though I had put it on, and you can push it on later" haha try whispering that to a guy who never listens. So he put it on.
best man getting the rings

We then had my little sister do her reading. Which everyone loved.

"We are all a little weird, and life is a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love...
Today you're getting married; some say you're getting wed
There's crowds of people in our house, and strangers in my bed!
We had to get up early, take breakfast altogether
Allowed to have the TV on to listen to the weather
Shower time was hectic, should have seen the queue
Girls were taking twice as long and air was turning blue
Hair was being straightened, perfume being sprayed
Nails were being painted, the boys of course delayed
Lots of make-up, lots of shoes, sparkles in the hair
Pretty cards and parcels, flowers everywhere
Everyone had new clothes, Dae even wore a suit
Kara is looking stunning, and I look kinda cute
Lots of photos lots of fuss, what's it all about?
These two are forever, of that I have no doubt!"

Thanks Emma, Best reading ever and very apt for us :)

   We were then pronounced man and wife, and we kissed.Now that is nothing new.
But everyone had said "Kara and David Kiss? they never kiss" This was the first of many that day. Everyone had said they had never seen us kiss, and never ever wanted to ever again after the wedding day, there was far too much. Hahaha. We are not a kissy couple in public, and around other's we don't feel the need to. We've been together to long for that.

But we had finally done it, we have got married after nearly 12 years together. It was so surreal.

Now the bit I dreaded.
My fella hadn't really had an opinion or an input into the wedding, which was fine by me. But he wanted a specific song playing as we walked out. How could I say no to his one request.

Que the song.....

Oh my!!! This really is it. HAHA what have we done...