Thursday 14 June 2012

creative block

Well today has been a waste.
Had a total creative blog and couldn't find the motivation to create anything.

Then I remembered, remembered about a gift I got for xmas one year off my brother, this beast....

A book for people who get creative block and has 500 ways to over come this.
I opened it up and it came up with


lol what am I meant to do with that, I don't think that is going to give me any ideas for a wedding invite?

I will open it up again, and hopefully get something a little better,

"Get their story....Your youngest relative....who can speak of course."
The first thing that popped into my head there......, was that I was there (home in Yorkshire) just a few days ago, and one of the first things that my little brother told me when I got in the car was that he had seen Drop Dead Fred, can any of you guys remember that film it was amazing when I was younger.

But all the time we were there my little brother kept jumping out at us shouting.......
"Boo......Shit Yourself?"
Lol this coming from a little 7 year old, makes you laugh out loud a alot.
(Hahaha I would not make a strict parent, as I laughed a lot, and then did it back to him during the week :), and some would be horrified, but hey it came from a film, relax)

But little ones do tell great stories,

I will keep routing through this book, and see if anything sparks my creativity.
If any of you would like to help, do leave a comment. :)

Ok just opened it up to a spark word "ENDLESS"
Now these are words that would be in the middle of the bubble, like on bubble diagrams you dis at school??, need words that link, or words that pop into your head when you hear 'endless'
Suggestions more than welcome :)

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