Tuesday 12 June 2012


Also whilst I was back in Yorkshire at my 'home' I spent a few days here..... down by the pond wishing I could convert this little summer house into my office/studio :) Wouldn't that just be lovely, however it may be a bit too far from the house to be able to get an internet connection.

But with a view like this .....

I think it would be worth it.
I girl can dream. I will however own a little cottage with a little studio/office in the garden one day!!
Oh and hopefully it will either be in Yorkshire or somewhere by the sea! I love the sea.

A little bit of work has been done today, but most of my time has been spent updating websites and prices of things, but I have done some invites I can possibly show you guys.....

These garden party invites seem fitting to show you, as I have shown you my garden. :)
Oh and also these garden party wedding invites are gorgeous too. They can be done in most colours, not just browns, pinks and yellows.

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