Monday 25 June 2012

Guest books and Disney


Bet you all think I had disappeared?

I have had a bit of work to do, and did not have much to say on a blog.
I have just started working on a guest book collection range, to go with the wedding stationery and invites.

Ring bound guest book £11

Smooth silky guest book £30

(These are to go with the pink vintage rose invites design, but can be made in any colour)

These are two that I have on offer, but I will have a 3rd, which is a mulberry card cover guestbook, not ring bound.

I am not sure which you prefer??

I have also had the pleasure of creating wedding invites for a bride and groom who will be getting married in the magical world of Walt Disney, Florida (Only a tad jealous)

Gorgeous fairy tale wedding invite for a disney wedding

Mirror mirror style disney wedding invite

Walt Disney wedding invite

These were some of the designs I worked on. I love the colours together, a baby blue and golden wedding theme, I loved creating these beauties.

The castle photo invite is actually my own photo which I took of the castle when I was there one year, and I thought the silhouette would work perfectly on the invite, then just added a touch of glitter, for that extra sparkle and magic.

If you are looking for bespoke invites, email me for a chat, and your requirements and I will do all I can to fulfil your wishes.

Thursday 14 June 2012

creative block

Well today has been a waste.
Had a total creative blog and couldn't find the motivation to create anything.

Then I remembered, remembered about a gift I got for xmas one year off my brother, this beast....

A book for people who get creative block and has 500 ways to over come this.
I opened it up and it came up with


lol what am I meant to do with that, I don't think that is going to give me any ideas for a wedding invite?

I will open it up again, and hopefully get something a little better,

"Get their story....Your youngest relative....who can speak of course."
The first thing that popped into my head there......, was that I was there (home in Yorkshire) just a few days ago, and one of the first things that my little brother told me when I got in the car was that he had seen Drop Dead Fred, can any of you guys remember that film it was amazing when I was younger.

But all the time we were there my little brother kept jumping out at us shouting.......
"Boo......Shit Yourself?"
Lol this coming from a little 7 year old, makes you laugh out loud a alot.
(Hahaha I would not make a strict parent, as I laughed a lot, and then did it back to him during the week :), and some would be horrified, but hey it came from a film, relax)

But little ones do tell great stories,

I will keep routing through this book, and see if anything sparks my creativity.
If any of you would like to help, do leave a comment. :)

Ok just opened it up to a spark word "ENDLESS"
Now these are words that would be in the middle of the bubble, like on bubble diagrams you dis at school??, need words that link, or words that pop into your head when you hear 'endless'
Suggestions more than welcome :)

Wednesday 13 June 2012


Well me of all people should know about postage costs. However whilst sorting out a father's day gift for my old man, I thought it would be great to send over a box of goodies, he is a chocaholic and has a very sweet tooth, so filled a box.
However sending it nearly cost more than the contents because of the weight of it. I knew I should have eaten some of it. Haha. But I do know that he will be surprised and not expect it and will enjoy the goodies.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Father's day cards

It is a bit late to order now, but these are some father's day cards that have been designed and gone to dad's in the UK.


Also whilst I was back in Yorkshire at my 'home' I spent a few days here..... down by the pond wishing I could convert this little summer house into my office/studio :) Wouldn't that just be lovely, however it may be a bit too far from the house to be able to get an internet connection.

But with a view like this .....

I think it would be worth it.
I girl can dream. I will however own a little cottage with a little studio/office in the garden one day!!
Oh and hopefully it will either be in Yorkshire or somewhere by the sea! I love the sea.

A little bit of work has been done today, but most of my time has been spent updating websites and prices of things, but I have done some invites I can possibly show you guys.....

These garden party invites seem fitting to show you, as I have shown you my garden. :)
Oh and also these garden party wedding invites are gorgeous too. They can be done in most colours, not just browns, pinks and yellows.

Monday 11 June 2012

Hello, sorry I was quiet for 2 weeks. I went back home to Yorkshire to visit the family and have a good old jubilee weekend.

Here are some photo's of setting up the orchard and a photo of me and the fella. Even though it was cold, we had a great time.

So since I have been away I haven't done anything productive at all, however I can show you some invites I made a few weeks ago which now I hope the bride to be has sent out.

These are an ivory and burgundy version of my vintage rose design on my page