Monday 5 November 2012


Wow, I am sorry for the complete lack of posts on my Blog.
I have just seen I have been away from it since July!! Thats over 3 Months. I do apologise.

I am at the moment, having a little break for the day and eating flora gums.
Today has been hectic as I went home for a week for halloween, my sister's 11th birthday and Bonfire weekend, oh and I did a wedding fair in Selby Abbey. So today I was back to work. Working on new designs, new samples and confetti cones.

Anyway since my guestbook giveaway - which seems to be my last post, my guest books have flown off my shelves. :)
They have been so popular I thought I would do one for christmas, here is one for a baby's first christmas, and the one underneath is just for a little girl to fill it with all her own memories, drawings and photos.

Baby's First christmas memory book

child's christmas memory book

Also in my new christmas range, is this little fella, my xmas polar bear.
I have other designs with him on, in my christmas facebook album,

polar bear tinsel personalised christmas card

I also decided I wanted an xmas wooly jumper style christmas card, as I love wooly socks and jumpers and christmas wouldn't be christmas without them. So he is my take :) I do hope you like it as much as I do, even though I know it isn't going to be everyone's cup of tea,

Christmas wooly jumper style christmas card

Well I hope to keep more up to date with my blog from now on.

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