Tuesday 31 March 2015


Oh God, I forgot about my blog YET AGAIN! Oopsy.
It's been so hectic round here since I last blogged.
Work is mad busy... which is good
I had all my hair chopped off :) It looks pretty and blonde.
And I got to see my favourite band of ALL time play Live!!
I saw Train in Manchester on 26th March, and one of the points on my bucket list was to listen to Drops of Jupiter Live by Train....
Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be able to do that as they don't come to the UK very often.
So oh my god it was a dream come true when I saw on my facebook page that Train were coming to Europe, it made me think and have a look for tickets anywhere close to me, and they were indeed playing in Manchester so got the tickets booked and it was one of the best nights ever. :) Thanks Train.
This is me Super excited with my new Train Shirt, waiting for them to come on. :)
Listen to drops of jupiter

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