Sunday 27 May 2012


This has been a very hot week here in Wigan!

Yesterday me and my other half made a very last minute decision to go to the seaside, where it would hopefully be cooler...... It wasn't, it was windier but not cooler as the wind was very warm.
We had a great day, collected some shells off the beach, tried to walk down to the sea, but we couldn't see it. Any one who knows Southport will know that the seaside is all beach and no sea, you have to walk for miles to get to the sea. I shall post a photo when I find my phone of how far away it was.

I hope everyone is enjoying the weather as much as I am, It does help with not having a huge work load this weekend, as I am not having to sit inside while the sun beams down.

I am having my 4th BBQ this week, this afternoon. Could get used to this!!

As promised here is part of the beach, we had already walked for about 10 - 15 mins, and still so far to go.

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